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Sussex Amateur Radio Testing Team
A Laurel-VEC Volunteer Examination Team
Testing session begins at 12:00 Noon on Saturday, April 20, 2024.
There will be no exam seating after 12:30 PM.
There is no exam fee.
Applicants are not required to pay an entrance fee to access the testing classroom.
Entrance fee is for indoor hamfest venue only.
Retakes and additional tests are at the discretion of the examination team (SARTT)
Pre-registration required - contact Herb, W3BQ at herbquick55@gmail.com
Test applicants:
Be sure to obtain an FCC Registration Number (FRN) from the FCC CORES
website prior to the exam session.
Be sure to bring a photo I.D., and your FRN Number, pen, pencil, and a signed copy of your FCC Amateur license.
Calculators must be checked by VEs to make sure nothing is stored in memory. Cell phones may not be used as calculators and must be turned off while exams are being administered. Electronic devices must be turned off and may not be visible to the applicant during the exam.
​No Social Security Numbers will be accepted.
Administrative upgrades:
An applicant must already be licensed or pass the Element 2 exam to receive "Grandfathered" Element credit(s).
The following may be used as proof that an applicant is authorized to receive credit for an exam element:
a) An original expired or photocopy of an expired license.
b) A letter from the FCC indicating the applicant had previously been granted a specific class of license and
the date of the license grant (e.g., a specific date or a statement that includes "...prior to 21 March 1987".
c) A CSCE that indicates the applicant passed one or more exam elements within the previous 365 days.
An expired CSCE is not acceptable proof of any exam Element credit.
d) A CSCE with "pen and ink" changes may not be accepted as acceptable proof for any Element credit.
e) A printed reference copy of an expired and cancelled license from the FCC's ULS website that indicates
the applicant was previously granted a General, Advanced, or Amateur Extra Class license.
​ f) A screen print from the 1993 QRZ Database (www.qrz.com/db/1993/). This database only contains calls granted between 1983 and 1993.
g) a copy of the cover and applicable page from a Call Sign book, showing date of publication, the applicant's name, call sign, and class of license.
h) Teams may verify an applicant's current license by accessing the FCC's ULS website or using the Laurel- VEC Session Manager software during the registration process of the exam.
i) No other form of documentation is acceptable.